Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Xmas!!

YO HO HO!! Merry Xmas to youz!! me and my family celebrated Xmas at home with the traditional Noche Buena and exchange gift :)
(taken w/ miel's phone)
(taken with my phone)
We had a different kind of exchange gift where each sister will request 1 gift worth 1k that will be bought by the other 4 sisters:
Mackie and her Headphones with a built in mic
Meris and her laptop cooler
Me & my Forever21 shorts
Ate Anshe with her Forever21 GC
Ate Miel with her Forever21 shorts
Group shot
with moustaches
gangsta with madda
These are the gifts I received from Xmas!! Woohoo!! I literally screamed like a little girl when I opened my gift from mamsy which is the instax cam!! so happy~
Merry Xmas to you all~

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