Friday, November 29, 2013

Baking: Oreo cheesecake cookies!!

I went to a bazaar last Saturday at Metro Tent and bought some baked goodies and among them were Oreo cheesecake cookies by Just Sweets which instantly turned into an addiction!!
After then, I've decided to make some myself and decided to share it to youz via blog post :)

~         Ingridients:        ~

1. 1 cup All-purpose flour
2. 3 oz Cream Cheese at room temperature
3. Unsalted Butter, softened
4. 1 cup sugar (in my case, 1/2 Muscovado + 1/2 granulated)
5. 1 tsp Vanilla extract
6. 1 cup Chocolate chips
7. 1 cup crushed Oreo cookies

~        Instructions:        ~

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Line baking sheet on baking pan and set aside.
In a mixing bowl, cream together butter and cream cheese until smooth (I was planning on using the hand mixer but the spatula did the job)
Add the sugar and vanilla extract and mix until well combined (I still used the spatula since I was too lazy to reach for the hand mixer lol)
Add the flour and mix, mix, mix!
Add chocolate chips and mix
Add the crushed oreos and mix them all together!
Once all the ingredients are all well combined, Scoop the dough with a spoon and roll them into balls and place them on the baking sheet and bake for 12 to 15 minutes in the oven or until the edges are golden or slightly brown.  
Cool on the pan for two minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely. Store in an air tight container. I've made 4 batches (about 24 cookies to be exact) with this recipe :)

* I made these for a certain someone, I hope He liked it.. :D *

Sunday, November 17, 2013

le Macho Papas Shopping + Pizza + Overnight

Today we le Macho Papas went to SM Megamall to go shopping (the mall was on sale at that time) it was Twinny who actually asked us to accompany her to buy dresses wherein I suggested we look at forever 21 :) We picked some dresses for her to fit while Daniel bought a nifty Tasmanian sweater which he wore after he bought it. I only bought Cotton on sneakers which I have been eyeing for a while. We ate at Yellow cab when wushi arrived from the gym; me and Parey treated them for our belated Birthday treat last October :) 
(le macho papas!!)
(from left to right: Parey, Twinny, me, Daniel and Wushi)
(That rape-able stare~ omy~)
(That's my slice of pizza! face)

After eating, Daniel went off since he didn't plan on coming to the slumber party at parey's house :)
(I dunno what Parey's doing..)
(They're so adorable watching horror~ covering their eyes and ears and all~)
We watched horror movies and shared stories and drank alcoholic beverages, it was all fun fun fun!! :D

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Food Trip: Food Truck Park

I went to SM Megamall for the Mega Christmas Sale yesterday for an early Christmas shopping, I met with Gilli and Tamy afterwards; Gilli suggested we eat at The Food Truck Park, the curious me wanted to try anything new so I was game, we rode a taxi there and Gilli's fried treated the fare :D
I got really hyped after exiting the taxi seeing all the food trucks lined along the street, I tried the Turkey burger and salmon maki, we ate on the grass (picnic-kind-of-way), Tamy treated us some beer while listening to the live band, everything that day was chill and casual :)

We didn't get to take a picture together since we enjoyed the food and music too much, if they would 
I wish they would have another on January so me and the Machopapas could go there :>