Sunday, September 15, 2013

Drawing: Doods

I just wanna share what I'm drawing right now:
It's my friends! it's still a WIP (work in progress) I'm planning on making them some keychags (keychain/tags) for maybe Xmas, I know it's a little early but I need to finish one for my friend before he leaves for Japan so I guess it'll be an advanced Xmas gift.

I made my first batch last Xmas for my sisters so I decided to make some for the doods as well :)
here's what I've done for my sisters last year:
(sorry for the blurry photo, this was taken with my jurassic phone)
This is the first Jolly-fied drawing I did of me as a pirate and I must say I'm very proud to have established my own style of drawing, that when they first glance upon it they'll know that I drew it :)
I'm considering of making this a business maybe in the near future, I don't know~

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