Friday, September 27, 2013

Wookie Fridayy!!

Wookie Friday!!
for the past days I've been finding stuff to make props for our costumes, i dunno why I willingly volunteered to make their props, maybe I was in a really good mood that time.

(le messy, haven't started on anything yet, I guess I'll be procrastinating again)

If you're wondering what's the props for, it's for my little sister's debut, the theme of her debut is: StarWars, wherein I'll be cosplaying Chewbacca!! my sisters pushed me to that character since they kinda dig the concept ot me being a Wookie, so yah. I went to our tailor last week for measurements and I showed her my design for the costume, the day after she bought the fur and showed it to me:
(ignore the shmexy pepper stickers / messing around looking like an eskimo)

After a week; the tailor dropped by our house and brought our costumes for fitting! yay! after fitting, my very ecstatic mamsy took pics of me wearing the costume (she's always like that)

I must tell you, comfy as it may look, it's freaking hot!! refer to gif below:

I must say, I'm very happy with the costume, I still need to make props tho', or else I might look like an eskimo at the debut.

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