Sunday, September 22, 2013

Josefu's Despedida

Just got home from my friend's Despedida (farewell/goodbye) party held at his house.
I went there quarter to five but when I got to his house the housekeeper told me they went to buy food so I waited at the salas (living room); some started to come at around 6 since they came from work and stuff. at every gathering, it's been a habit of mine to take snapshots (some stolen) and videos of what's going around me so below are some of those moments I took on my phone, I selected a few since I don't want this blog to be too much photo-heavy.

(my very gluttonous bestfriend Erika)

(brader's ever killer smile)

(gilli's haggard smile)

(master showing his well fed tummy)


It was my first time playing Lucky 9, they just taught me how simple the game was, it was actually just a game of luck, which I can say, was in my favor since I only lost two times and the penalty was to drink (I only drink occasionally so they were really hoping for my demise) I took a video of this moment:
(the quality of the video was reduced since it was converted)

The despedida turned into a mini reunion since some of our hs classmates went (I didn't get to take snapshots of them since I'm shy towards their company) which was nice to see them again; some laughs and stories were exchanged, some old insults aaaand before we know it, the party was over at 4 in the morning, some went home since they brought their cars with them, but for the others that just commuted were offered by Josefu to stay 'til sunrise just to be safe; he offered us to sleep at one room, I actually didn't get to sleep even tho' I was really really sleepy, I just waited for the sun to rise, 7am they started to wake up; we bid our goodbyes and went home.

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