Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Game: Pet society

Hi durr!! obviously, I'm bored (again) so I'm going to make a blog post about... Pet Society!! Weee!!
I know, the game's gone already but heck, I just wanna reminisce so.. that's my pet right there^ I made her resemble somewhat like me (well, somewhat.. I tie my hair into a messy bun to the left side all the time, & my bangs are like that right nao D:) anyways, what really got me hooked up with this fb game is you get to customize / decorate / personalize the rooms of your pet :) well, I guess I went completely overboard with that, below are each room from my pet's house:

{The Diabeetus room}
obviously, you can tell why, this was supposed to be the Living room but meh.

{The Bathroom}
I didn't went crazy designing the Bathroom since the store didn't provide a lot of choices to go with so.. ya.

{The walk-in closet}
okay, since I'm into cosplaying, I incorporated that to my pet as well, I didn't get to put all her costumes / wigs since there's not enough space :(

{The Kitchen}
same as the bathroom, didn't go crazy with this one as well because of the limited choices but I really like the black & red combi for this room, plus, there's a Giant squid peeping thro' my porthole :D

{The Haunted Basement}
it's pirate-ish - medieval-like kind of theme, I really don't know, and I get to display the halloween stuff I bought (w/c were for a limited time only, o yea those ghosts float around the room so cool-yo!)

{The Bedroom}
I wanted the bedroom similar to mine so there! a whole lot of stuffed toys! (I pretty own a lot of it since I kept ones from my childhood to present time C:)

{The Study room}
what I like about this room are those viking hats on the shelf :D and the pirate accents around, the stuffed toys that didn't fit on the bedroom got transferred here, you can also see thro' the portholes that this room is somewhat sailing the sea, lol, I dunno, I really dig those kind of stuff.

{The Ship Deck}
I kinda turned this room into a Ship Deck, with lots of meat (inspired by One Piece).

{The Gunport}
because I like dem big 'ol cannons and shit! :D

..and that's all of my pet's rooms so far since I'm still lvl 36 :< another room unlocks at lvl 41, but I cannot unlock it anymore since the game's gone :(

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