Thursday, October 17, 2013

Flower buddy

Today I've decided to buy a dress for my Mamsy's 50th surprise Birthday party which is like, 2 days from now and I still got a lot of props to finish! since SM Aura's just across our condo, that's where I've decided to shop but first I had to eat something for brunch so after getting ready I went down the elevator from 27th floor, crossed to the mall and ascended straight to their Food court on 5th floor where I helped myself with a slice of Sbarro's big-ass pizza!
while enjoying my meal, I received a text from Daniel saying he's near SM aura and that He and his mom will be eating lunch as well which made me panic like crazy because for one, I look the least presentable in my very cozy somewhat pambahay outfit and two, I didn't even bother to comb my messy hair and what not so I decided to head back to the condo and change.
I went back to SM Aura and roam around the stores to look for a dress; I looked thro' Stradivarius and that's where Daniel's mother saw me, I greeted her with a beso on the cheek; she told me Daniel just went to the restroom so we went ahead to the 5th floor so he could meet us there.
Fast forward: after they ate, Daniel's mom part ways with us since she'll be doing grocery; We went straight to Forever 21, given there's a lot of choices there.
I found three dainty dresses while Daniel chose a blue flowing dress for me which I fitted one at a time and showed to him to know his opinion on which looked better on me.
He picked the flowers-printed dress because it fitted me more nicely than the other dresses did. :) 
(I didn't get to include the belt that came with the dress)
I bought some crepe paper at National Bookstore for the flower crowns I'm making for the party, but I don't have enough time to create one for myself so I've decided to buy fake flowers instead; Daniel suggested we look around Market Market; We fetched his mom at the Supermarket and crossed to the other side. His mom stayed at the coffee shop while we hunted for fake flowers around the mall. We found some at the department store which ended my anxiety and to show my token of gratitude for tagging along with me I treated him some mini donuts :D

We went back to where his mom was and she treated us drinks! :D after some time it was getting dark so he escorted me back to the condo while his mom stayed at the coffee shop since they just parked nearby. while waiting for the stoplight to go green, he suddenly asked my permission to hold my hand which made me smile and prompted him to do so.
It's the first time that a guy willingly tagged along shopping with me and ask my permission to hold my hand which was a sweet gesture that made me more comfortable around him. :)


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