Sunday, October 20, 2013

Happy Birthday to me!!

Today's my 22nd and my mom's 50th birthday today! (yes, me & my mom has the same birthday)
I decided to celebrate it in a different way by participating a plushie workshop held at CRAFT MNL by Monsterella Plush Art. The workshop was originally scheduled on 22nd of September but because of the bad weather, we were prompted to choose from either 29th of September or 20th of October for rescheduling, but since Meris' debut was on 29th we chose 20th of October.
We actually got lost along our way there, my sisters kept jokingly told me that 'it's a scam!' since we can't find the place, but after calling Nikki of CRAFT MNL we were able to get instructions on how to get there! we came 30 minutes late so we had to catch up.  
We started tracing template then and there since they were already sewing and stuff.
That's not all of us from the batch since some already left because it was past 5 then.
Here's my plushie in progress, I added a beard, tattoo and an eye patch all that's left is the stuffing!

Mackie with Ms. Joyce teaching her how to do the hidden stitch.
Ate May with Mr. Jordan teaching her how to use the sewing machine.

Me with my finished plushie 'Scallywag'!
The chalkboard behind us has a written "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" so we decided to take a group shot there. Since it was my birthday, my sisters let me name their plushies; I named mackie's blue fat plushie 'Flabbles' but she changed it to 'Flubbles' while at may's orange fancy-looking plushie 'Bunny Chaplin' since it somewhat resembles Charlie Chaplin, well, sort of. We each also got to take home a Dog plush kit! yay!

We went off past 8 and we were hungry as hell so I decided to treat them to Mom & Tina's Bakery Cafe along C5; I was badly craving for their Sheperd's pie for some time now but sadly it was unavailable so I ordered steak instead.

I really enjoyed celebrating my 22nd birthday in a different and productive kind of way!


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