Thursday, October 24, 2013

Date with Daniel

I'v prompted myself to always bring something when I go on a date with someone, be it a token or baked goods it's just been my habit :)
I didn't get to take a picture of the baked ones so I guess this would suffice, and in case you're wondering what those dome shaped things are, those are Oreo-stuffed Cookies :)

Daniel has been persistent asking me on a date to Ocean park since late August, only just now did it pushed on :D We met at 7-11 and I noticed he hasn't had a decent eye shut, he said that he didn't get any because he was too excited :D 

I was feeding him the cookies I made while he was driving and asking him if the taste was okay, which he replied yes :) We played I spy something in his car to kill boredom :) It would be my first time going to Ocean park so I was really excited! :D We bought the Deep Sea rush ticket which included 5 attractions: Oceanarium, Marine Life Habitat, Jellies Exhibit, Sea Lion Show & Musical Fountain show. We hunted for food because I was really hungry, I ate wendys burger and we then roamed around, We first went inside the Jellies, it was nice not until kids come barging in so we got out of the room and went to Oceanarium, there was a lot of people @A@ we had to wait for the crowd to lessen so we can enjoy the view, there was a time He was staring at the aquarium and upon moving closer he bumped his head on the glass! :D I had a good laugh on that one.
The inner child in me forced him that we color some fish outlines at the activity area.
and damn! we colored the shit out of that fish! lol.
(Left is mine, his is right)

We watched the Sealion show, I dunno if its the same with Marine life habitat but I dunno, I really enjoyed it. We then exited from there to the parking and drove off to MOA for the Superb Supersale bazaar happening at SMX Convention Center. I treated him tickets to the bazaar and let him pick sweaters and pulloevers for me :) I also made him choose the charm for the bracelet I bought, he chose the star since he said it signifies a starfish since we just went from Ocean park and that I like stars. :)
We watched Carrie that time too, I was feeding him my sandwich by hand, I really like doing that :) 
We strolled around by the bay after the movie and talked about almost everything. I really felt so much comfortable around him that I can tell anything and everything to him. He even gave me a short and awkward piggy back ride since I panicked remembering I was wearing a skirt.
That night after walking and talking around BGC we went back to where he parked his car so I can get my stuff since it was getting too late already, he took something from the back of his car and I wondered when did he put the things I bought in a paperbag, then it hit me that it was a surprise birthday gift for my belated birthday :') it was one of the sweetest gesture someone did for me for my birthday, I was so touched that I hugged him so tight while thanking him, he then accompanied me up to our condo unit and I gave him a kiss on the cheek but he suddenly turned his head so I missed his cheek and it was hell lot of close to his lips, I was flustered so I said Thank you and Goodnight and went inside.
before sleeping I texted him to Take care on his way home and Thanks for this day:) 

I unboxed his gift infront of him on skype and I was really surprised of this little fellow, I named him "Pandee" (Panda + Dee) it actually sounds like a ladies undergarment but I don't give a damn :)
I really enjoyed this date with Daniel, the gift was a plus, I was really not expecting anything at all :)
He made it really really special~ and it was surely a day and night to remember :)


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Happy Birthday to me!!

Today's my 22nd and my mom's 50th birthday today! (yes, me & my mom has the same birthday)
I decided to celebrate it in a different way by participating a plushie workshop held at CRAFT MNL by Monsterella Plush Art. The workshop was originally scheduled on 22nd of September but because of the bad weather, we were prompted to choose from either 29th of September or 20th of October for rescheduling, but since Meris' debut was on 29th we chose 20th of October.
We actually got lost along our way there, my sisters kept jokingly told me that 'it's a scam!' since we can't find the place, but after calling Nikki of CRAFT MNL we were able to get instructions on how to get there! we came 30 minutes late so we had to catch up.  
We started tracing template then and there since they were already sewing and stuff.
That's not all of us from the batch since some already left because it was past 5 then.
Here's my plushie in progress, I added a beard, tattoo and an eye patch all that's left is the stuffing!

Mackie with Ms. Joyce teaching her how to do the hidden stitch.
Ate May with Mr. Jordan teaching her how to use the sewing machine.

Me with my finished plushie 'Scallywag'!
The chalkboard behind us has a written "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" so we decided to take a group shot there. Since it was my birthday, my sisters let me name their plushies; I named mackie's blue fat plushie 'Flabbles' but she changed it to 'Flubbles' while at may's orange fancy-looking plushie 'Bunny Chaplin' since it somewhat resembles Charlie Chaplin, well, sort of. We each also got to take home a Dog plush kit! yay!

We went off past 8 and we were hungry as hell so I decided to treat them to Mom & Tina's Bakery Cafe along C5; I was badly craving for their Sheperd's pie for some time now but sadly it was unavailable so I ordered steak instead.

I really enjoyed celebrating my 22nd birthday in a different and productive kind of way!


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Flower buddy

Today I've decided to buy a dress for my Mamsy's 50th surprise Birthday party which is like, 2 days from now and I still got a lot of props to finish! since SM Aura's just across our condo, that's where I've decided to shop but first I had to eat something for brunch so after getting ready I went down the elevator from 27th floor, crossed to the mall and ascended straight to their Food court on 5th floor where I helped myself with a slice of Sbarro's big-ass pizza!
while enjoying my meal, I received a text from Daniel saying he's near SM aura and that He and his mom will be eating lunch as well which made me panic like crazy because for one, I look the least presentable in my very cozy somewhat pambahay outfit and two, I didn't even bother to comb my messy hair and what not so I decided to head back to the condo and change.
I went back to SM Aura and roam around the stores to look for a dress; I looked thro' Stradivarius and that's where Daniel's mother saw me, I greeted her with a beso on the cheek; she told me Daniel just went to the restroom so we went ahead to the 5th floor so he could meet us there.
Fast forward: after they ate, Daniel's mom part ways with us since she'll be doing grocery; We went straight to Forever 21, given there's a lot of choices there.
I found three dainty dresses while Daniel chose a blue flowing dress for me which I fitted one at a time and showed to him to know his opinion on which looked better on me.
He picked the flowers-printed dress because it fitted me more nicely than the other dresses did. :) 
(I didn't get to include the belt that came with the dress)
I bought some crepe paper at National Bookstore for the flower crowns I'm making for the party, but I don't have enough time to create one for myself so I've decided to buy fake flowers instead; Daniel suggested we look around Market Market; We fetched his mom at the Supermarket and crossed to the other side. His mom stayed at the coffee shop while we hunted for fake flowers around the mall. We found some at the department store which ended my anxiety and to show my token of gratitude for tagging along with me I treated him some mini donuts :D

We went back to where his mom was and she treated us drinks! :D after some time it was getting dark so he escorted me back to the condo while his mom stayed at the coffee shop since they just parked nearby. while waiting for the stoplight to go green, he suddenly asked my permission to hold my hand which made me smile and prompted him to do so.
It's the first time that a guy willingly tagged along shopping with me and ask my permission to hold my hand which was a sweet gesture that made me more comfortable around him. :)


Monday, October 14, 2013

la belle experience

WARNING: This blog post is photo-heavy

I've seen La belle from my facebook feeds a while back, and got really curious about their products; I searched the net for any detailed blog reviews about their products and failed so why not I make one? I ordered their Rejuvenating / Collagen set which has a lot of positive testimonials from their clients,  last 26th of September and received the package on the 28th; I don't really have any serious problems with my face/skin, just a few craters left from facials so I'm hoping that the peeling involved in the process of using the Rejuv set would make it less prominent. 

The Rejuvenating set (Php 350.00 / good for 1 month)

This Rejuvenating set contains ingridients that will whiten your skin, 
help eliminate usual skin problems like pimples and acne, 
skin pigmentation and discoloration, 
blackheads and whiteheads.
It will tighten your skin, removes wrinkles 
and minimize your visible pores,
 leaving your skin fresh and younger looking
 with a natural blush effect

*Rejuvenating soap 135 g
* Rejuvenating facial toner 60 ml 
* Sunblock gel 10 g 
* Bleaching cream 10 g

(as written on the paper included in the set)
1. Rejuvenating soap
*Use in the morning and night as your daily cleanser.
Apply to damp face and lather for 2-3 min. before
rinsing thoroughly with lukewarm water.

2. Rejuvenating facial toner
*After cleansing with rejuv soap, apply rejuv facial toner
on your face with a cotton pad.
Do not rinse. Use this for 30 days only. 

3.Sunblock gel
*Apply over your face 30 minutes before exposure to the sun for maximum protection,
reapply every 2-3 hrs, especially if you're exposed to the sun for a long period of time.
[not as sticky as the usual sunblock, cooling effect upon application]

1. Rejuvenating soap
*Use in the morning and night as your daily cleanser.
Apply to damp face and lather for 2-3 min. before
rinsing thoroughly with lukewarm water.

2. Rejuvenating facial toner
*After cleansing with rejuv soap, apply rejuv facial toner
on your face with a cotton pad.
Do not rinse. Use this for 30 days only. 

3. Bleaching cream (4 in 1)
*apply thinly all over your face for 30 nights thereafter, use rejuve cream.
[very thick and hard to spread all over face, it also has a weird sour smell but tolerable]

Avoid exposure to the sun during treatment, if irritation occurs,
discontinue using this product.
This product is NOT recommended for pregnant lactating mothers,
and children below 12 years old. 
Applying this productt without proper medical consultation
constitutes using it on your own risk. 
(The seller of this product is not familiar with buyer's skin type, condition, skin history or sensitivity)

The Collagen set (Php 350.00 / good for 1 month) 

Collagen set is for aging and stressed skin, helps reduce fine lines and minimizes pores. 
It also helps prevent moisture loss and increase skin elasticity, 
giving you a younger, healthier and radiant looking skin. 

*Collagen soap 135 g
*Collagen cream w/ elastin 10 g


1. Collagen soap
*Wet skin, gently massage soap on the skin,
DO NOT RUB, avoid getting into eyes, nose or mouth,
Let it sit for just a few seconds
Then rinse thoroughly with cold water.

2. Collagen cream
After cleansing with Collagen soap, 
apply collagen cream on your face, do not rinse.
[I reaaaally loooove this cream sent by the Gods!! it works like magic!!]


I started to use the Rejuvenating set on September 30th (monday) and took note each day/night the sensations/effects it does on my face. I only used this set for 2 weeks since I don't have severe skin problems, I alternated the use of Rejuvenating and Collagen set on the 5th day just to give my skin relief from the burning sensations; I stopped using the Collagen soap after 1 week usage and switched back to Dove facial cleanser and Celeteque facial moisturizer, I still used the Collagen cream at night since it works wonders for my face.

Day 01: slight redness around the cheeks.
Day 02: slight stinging sensations around the face.
Day 03: micro peeling around the nose and edge of lips
Night 03: stinging to burning sensation, slight itchiness
Day 04: GOD MY FACE IS BURNING!! srsly.
Night 04: switched to likas papaya since the rejuv soap was too harsh
Day 05: switched to collagen set, redness and stinging worsened, micro peeling still present 
Day 06: switched back to rejuv set, slight stinging and tightness (banat) feeling of the face
Day 07: stinging sensations and micro peeling around cheeks, lip and nose
Day 08: stinging and itching sensations 
Night 08: micro peeling around forehead and chin
Day 09:  no more stinging sensation, micro peeling still present around chin and forehead
Day 10: redness on the cheeks and itching sensations on the neck
Night 10: switched to Collagen set to ease itchiness around the neck
Day 11: switched to Dove facial cleanser + Celeteque facial moisturizer, slight micro peeling present
Night 11: Dove facial cleanser + Collagen cream, micro peeling from jaw to neck down
Day 12: very minimal micro peeling near jawline and neck
Day 13: slight redness and micro peeling
Day 14: no more micro peeling present



I really love how smooth my face is right now, especially the effortless dewy look it gives off even upon waking up, I could also feel how 'tight' (banat) my skin is compared before and I don't breakout anymore; I still have a hefty amount of product left from the Rejuvenating set so I guess I could use it again some other time; The collagen set on the other hand only lasted 3 weeks 2 days so I ordered another 2 more, one for me, the other for my mom since she's complaining about her wrinkles, I hope it works wonders for her as it did for me.


☆ Rejuvenating Set 

*Cheap (P250.00) considering it consists of 4 products in a set
*It somewhat made my craters 'less' prominent than before
*Effective (for me, I cannot say that it will be for others) 
*I did not experience breakouts while using the set

*The Rejuvenating soap is too harsh on the face so I switched to Likas Papaya soap on the 4th night
*slight micro peeling still present even after 2 weeks of usage but hardly noticeable
*The shiny/oily look that the Sunblock gel leaves on my face
*I have no idea what the ingridients are of each product has
*The weird scent of the bleaching cream

Collagen Set 

*The scent, texture & consistency of the Collagen cream is similar to Celeteque DermoScience Brightening Tri-Benefit Power Cream (w/c is also effective, I use this in the morning) 
*The Collagen cream works wonders that I ordered 2 more
*My face looks photoshopped in the morning lol.

*I think the Collagen soap didn't do much for my face (it might for others, I don't know)


I switched to another papaya soap gentler on the skin since the Rejuvenating soap is too harsh for me, I'm not saying that you do the same once you try out the Rejuvenating set, I did this with my own discretion.

I only used the Rejuvenating set for only 2 weeks, again, based on my own discretion, reason being that I don't have severe skin and acne problems and I don't want my face to be far off whiter than the rest of my body.

I cannot say that you would have the same results as I did since everyone has different skin types and conditions, so do keep that in mind before trying out the products I've reviewed.
